I’m a passionate follower of Jesus Christ, and I love his Church. My longing is to make known His Name and help people to find their identity and purpose of life in Him. I hold a Doctor of Theology degree and two master’s degrees, a Master of Divinity and a Master of Theology, as well as a Bachelor of Theology with an emphasis on missions and pastoral ministry. I’m a Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada credential holder as well as a certified Ontological Coach affiliated to FICOP.
I’m the author of Knowing Jesus: Man & God, an academic book on Christology written in Spanish and English. I’m a theologian and a professional ontological coach. I have helped pastor different churches in both Argentina and Canada. I’m co-founder and co-director of CAM (Ministerial Training Center, for its initials in Spanish). Since 2009 I have written and taught different biblical courses, seminars and training courses aimed at the growth and development of individuals and groups, both in Argentina as well as in Chile, Paraguay, Guatemala, Mexico and Canada. At the moment, I have written and published three books, and I’m currently working on the writing of a book in Spanish oriented towards the Pastoral Ministry.